Lagoa Council will host a free course for anyone interested in learning about wine and how to identify their main characteristics
– March 16, 2022
Lagoa Council has teamed up with the Hotel and Tourism School of Portimão (EHTP) and the Algarve Wine Commission (CVA) to host a free course focusing on Algarve wines.
The course is part of the ‘Formação + Próxima’ programme and will begin at the Lagoa municipal library at 3pm on March 22. There will be four sessions taking place until the end of April.
The initiative is open to everyone, but prior registration is mandatory, and spaces are limited to just 25 participants.
Says Lagoa Council, “the course was carefully structured by CVA to give participants the ability to identify the main characteristics of Algarve wines as part of a training programme marked by different dynamics, rhythms and environments.”
Participants will be able to learn more about the region’s wines by taking part in masterclasses led by Lagoa wine producers, visiting local wineries and tasting several wines.
The council says that this is the second initiative of its kind that it is carrying out as part of a partnership signed with the national tourism board Turismo de Portugal to improve the skills of locals in the tourism sector.
Those interested in taking part must be registered on the Academia Digital website.