Facelift for Ferragudo

Facelift for Ferragudo

The picture postcard village of Ferragudo is becoming increasingly popular and their forward thinking local council have unveiled some very ambitious plans that will breathe a new lease of life into the traditional village. A multi-million euro plan includes the renovation of the main northern entrance to the village, as well as the construction of a three-storey car park (with a capacity for 120 vehicles) that will also boast a...

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Stronger together

Stronger together

Following last summer’s devastating forest fires, a group of around 40 volunteers gathered in Silves in November to plant nearly 6000 new trees as part of a reforestation initiative entitled Operação Montanha Verde, promoted and funded by Zoomarine and Silves council. The young trees were planted in Herdade do São Bom Homem and should go some way to replenishing the area. With special thanks going to the volunteers who included...

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From the life of the Flamingo

From the life of the Flamingo

  Next to the bee-eater and hoopoe, the flamingo, also referred to as the greater flamingo, is one of the exotic birds visitors to the Algarve would most like to see Until the 1980s, there were hardly any flamingos in the western part of the Algarve. Nowadays, this somewhat grotesque, but also elegant-looking large bird, can be observed at various locations. Since this species prefers brackish water or salt water, larger groups...

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Art Attack

Art Attack

Exploring the vast array of art in Ferragudo Just a few years ago, you’d be hard pushed to find much in the way of an art scene in Ferragudo. Now we’re spoilt for choice with a variety of venues to choose from. The first and by far the largest is Galerio, in the Arade Congress Centre, overlooking Portimão’s old bridge. The building is semi-industrial in appearance and has a slightly unfinished feel that lends itself very well as the...

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FROM VOLCANIC PEAKS TO THE END OF THE WORLD  The Algarve is a wonderful melting pot of nationalities and very often a new-found home for free spirits from all over the globe. This motto can easily be extended to both the latest super premium vodka to be launched on the market, VOLCANIC, and its front man in Portugal, Arni Elliot. Inside magazine met up with Ferragudo resident and Icelander Arni, to discover the connection between...

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Art in Ferragudo

Art in Ferragudo

This autumn/winter the Real Compromisso Marítimo exhibition centre showcases five new installations. The range of exhibitions includes photography, painting, stained glass, sculpture, masks and videos. A permanent exhibition, Vida e Obra (Life and Work) by Jose Cortes, a local, self-taught sculptor, will be on show throughout autumn with temporary exhibitions running alongside. September 12-29, Compromisso Marítimo “Uma imagem...

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Freestyling in Ferragudo

Freestyling in Ferragudo

Metro Bikes adds a twist to bespoke bicycles Moving down from the hills of Monchique to Portimão at the age of 12, Sérgio “Monchique” Gonçalves began to notice that he was spending most of his pocket money on bicycle repairs. He realised that it would be prudent to learn how to fix his own equipment and save his money to upgrade his bike. His dedication paid off and he soon started to fix his friends’ bikes, which stood him in...

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